Picture of the stained glass window in the sanctuary at Springdale, with the first three letters of Jesus' name in Greek (IHS-iota, eta, sigma) at the centre of the cross

What we believe

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life"

John 3:16, New International Version

This famous verse encapsulates the Good News, from God, of salvation through his son, Jesus Christ, whose death on the cross and resurrection broke the power of sin over humankind and the world for those that accept him—the victory of the Kingdom of God. The Bible has much more to say, but this is the core of the Christian faith, and as such underpins our church at Springdale.

The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God's love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission:

  • to increase awareness of God's presence and to celebrate God's love
  • to help people to grow and learn as Christians, through mutual support and care
  • to be a good neighbour to people in need and to challenge injustice
  • to make more followers of Jesus Christ
Picture of John Wesley, from a photograph of a statue in Melbourne, Australia

Springdale is part of The Methodist Church of Great Britain, a mainstream Christian church whose roots lie in the work of the brothers John (pictured right) and Charles Wesley, and others, in the 18th Century. This tradition was born out of the Anglican Church and led to a great Christian revival during the Wesleys' lifetime. This transformation resulted in the foundation of the Methodist Church which has since grown into a major world Christian denomination with 70 million adherents across the world.

In Great Britain, in 2013, the Methodist Church had 208 738 members and the Community Roll (people with active links to the Church) numbered nearly 450 000.

What are the Methodist Church's priorities?

To proclaim and affirm its conviction of God's love in Christ, for us and for all the world; and renew confidence in God's presence and action in the world and in the Church

In particular:

  • Underpinning everything we do with God-centred worship and prayer
  • Supporting community development and action for justice, especially among the most deprived and poor - in Britain and worldwide
  • Developing confidence in evangelism and in the capacity to speak of God and faith in ways that make sense to all involved
  • Encouraging fresh ways of being Church
  • Nurturing a culture in the Church which is people-centred and flexible

What do Methodists believe?

Methodist belief has been summarised as:

  • All need to be saved.
  • All may be saved.
  • All may know themselves to be saved.
  • All may be saved to the uttermost.

Methodist Catechism sect. 68

The word "All" in all four of these statements, emphasises Methodism's teaching that salvation is for everyone who believes the Good News and not only a chosen few.

Methodist Orb logo. Picture link to "What is distinctive about Methodism?" on the Methodist Church websiteThe Methodist Church website has much more information about "What is distinctive about Methodism?" There you will see a number of areas which are reflected at Springdale. Music is one particular area—it is often said that Methodism was "Born in song". Charles Wesley wrote thousands of hymns—many remain very familiar today such as Love divine, all loves excelling and Hark! The herald-angels sing. At Springdale, music is a strong part of the church family life—continuing the tradition.

Where is Springdale going?

As part of the overall mission of the Christian Church we are actively looking at new ways to "do" church, so as to bring Christ's message to as many as possible. Springdale's congregation is made up of diverse age-groups. Our Junior Church continues, and other avenues have been explored such as "cafe church" and "messy church". Our first Messy Church, called "Family Hotpot", was held on 13 October 2009 and has continued regularly and successfully ever since. We regularly hold cafe-style worship in a more informal way than "normal" church. We have held outdoor services and family fun days so that the local community can see what we "do".

Exciting times are ahead as we continue to use these Fresh Expressions of church in the Springdale family and local community.